Our Formulate straight exhibition and display stands could not be easier to assemble. Start off by snapping together the tubular aluminium frame which is clearly marked with instructions. Expect this to take about 2 minutes Once your frame is set up then next all you need to do is pull over the stretch fabric sleeve and set this up. This might seem simple but believe me it really could not be easier. No more complicated frames or magnets! But even better, why don't you simply just jump on to our assembly video and watch for yourself, it really could not be more simple. Did you know that our the Formulate straight exhibition stands come in five widths now. Starting with the versatile 2.4 meter wide unit the range them offers you a choice between 3 m, four meters, five meters and 6 m wide. All are our 2.4 meters in height. If you have not already used one of these excellent units then please do investigate how this might be the answer to many of u your display solutions for indoor events and signage. So why not give us a call to chat about how Formulate straight could be the ideal solution for you